Vaccines are especially important for senior citizens. As you get older, your immune system weakens and it can be more difficult to fight off infections. You’re more likely to get diseases like the flu, pneumonia, and shingles — and to have complications that can lead to long-term illness, hospitalisation, and even death.
If you have an ongoing health condition — like diabetes or heart disease — getting vaccinated is especially important. Vaccines can protect you from serious diseases (and related complications) so you can stay healthy as you age.
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Hepatitis B (Hep B) is a contagious disease that affects the liver. There are two types of Hepatitis B – Acute and Chronic. Acute Hepatitis B lasts for days to weeks, showing symptoms such as fever and flu. Chronic Hep B does not show any symptoms but can damage the liver if not treated.
Why Hep B Vaccine for Elders – The functions of liver changes as we age and seniors are more prone to develop if you have health conditions such as haemophilia, renal disease or other complications that reduce the resistance of infection.
When Hep B Should be Taken – It is given over a course of 6 months in 2 or 3 instalments or as per the doctor’s prescription.
Pneumococcal Vaccine
Pneumococcal infections are concentrated on the key organs. The result of this condition are often seen in the forms of pneumonia, meningitis and bacteraemia; damaging the brain to cause deafness and health issues related to lungs.
Why Pneumococcal Vaccine for Seniors – The impact of the Pneumococcal disease is concentrated on vital organs and when the vital organs are infected, there greater chances that seniors experience weakening immune system that opens door for various other diseases and health disorders.
When Pneumococcal Vaccine – This vaccine is given as two shots in a year with 6 months gap. Check with your doctor as on how you can proceed with the vaccination shots based on your current health condition.
Shingles Vaccine
Shingles is a serious skin rash that is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. It is contagious and causes pain and itching sensation even for years post getting this rash.
Why Shingles Vaccine for Seniors – As the immunity gets reduced in elderly due to the degenerative body conditions, seniors are at a higher risk to get skin rashes and allergies. Shingles Vaccine for seniors will help them to reduce the risk of it at an older age.
When Shingles Vaccine – The impact of this vaccine lasts for 5 years. After consulting the doctor, seniors can avail this vaccine in one shot. Seniors who already diagnosed with Shingles can also avail this vaccine.
Influenza Vaccine
The Influenza, also known as flu is a respiratory disorder that can become severe combined with chronic illness such as heart diseases and diabetes. However, seniors who are perfectly healthy also prone get this disorder. When flu is observed in people who are managing chronic illness, it could lead to serious health complications.
Why Influenza Vaccine – As it is a contagious disease that becomes strong and spread at increased speed during cold weather conditions, it is advisable for seniors to take Influenza vaccine to significantly reduce their risk of getting flu.
When Influenza Vaccine – Influenza vaccine is usually taken once in a year. Consult your doctor before going for this vaccine.
Every time when elders need the vaccination shots, it would be difficult for them to reach out to a clinic. Addressing this health difficulty of elders, Dr Rahul’s Elder Care is offering round the clock at home vaccine services in Coimbatore.